The richest and most influential woman in Lee Yue, Nin Guan lives in a flying palace and competently controls the most prosperous region of Tayvat. But it is by no means strong not only in politics and bureaucracy: this four -star heroine perfectly shows herself on the battlefield.
Strengths and weaknesses Nin Guan
- Huge damage from ulta, high speed of its application and low energy value.
- A good range of attacks.
- With good assembly, it is not inferior in damage to many 5* Damagers.
- Gives good protection against enemy attacks due to shields from the Crystal reaction and a jade screen.
- Greatly facilitates the search for ore in the open world due to its passive.
- Low attack speed, which can be partially compensated by interrupting animation.
- Low efficiency of basic attacks against enemies. It improves slightly upon receipt of C1.
- Does not fit the enemies with immunity to the geo element.
- The best weapon for Nin Guan can only be obtained from Gachi and combat pass.
Ability Nin Guan
For Nin Guan, in the role of the main Damager, we first download the main attacks, then ulta, and at the end already “Eshka”. If you plan to use it as a side of the Damagar, who rarely leaves the “pocket”, Maxim Ultu, then “Eshka”, and the main attacks can only be pumped if Nin Guang reached the sixth constellation.
The main attack is sparkling rain
The usual attack – triggers into the target of gems that cause geo damage. If a gem gets, Nin Guang gives one Star jade.
Charged attack – shoots with a giant gem that causes geo damage, on which a certain amount of endurance is spent. If Nin Guan has Star jade , then, when performing a charged attack, he also shoots them, by causing additional damage.
Attack in the fall – Having accumulated the energy of the stone, he rapidly falls to the ground, attacking all enemies in the way. Having landed, it inflicts geo damage in the area.
Elemental skill – jade screen
Nin Guang creates Nephritic screen from obsidian and gold, while inflicting geo damage in the area. Jade screen blocks enemy shells, and its strength depends on Max. HP Nin Guang. It is considered a geo design. The screen can be used to protect against enemy attacks, but you can’t climb it. There can be no more than one Jade screen.
Explosion of the elements (Ult) – Shards of stars
Having collected a large number of gems, Nin Guan launches them into enemies, causing a huge geo damage. The gems themselves find their goal. If nearby is located Jade screen , then she also triggers additional gems.
Passive skills
- Spare plan. If there is Nin Guan Star jade her charged attack does not consume endurance.
- Strategic reserves. Increases the bonus of geo damage through Nephritic screen characters by 12% within 10 seconds.
- Cornucopia. Celebrates the nearest ore deposits on the mini-card.
The best constellations for Nin Guan
Nin Guan is a “purple” heroine, so the constellations for her to assemble it is not as difficult as for “golden” characters. But she will show herself well without constellations if you are going to invest in her pumping.
C1 is quite useful: it adds damage by area, partly solving the problem that the usual attacks of Nin Guan do not cope with the crowds of enemies. But it is only necessary if you use it as the main damage and constantly beat the main attacks. If you need Nin Guang only for the screen and ulters, C1 will not bring much benefit.
C2 and C4 enhance "Eshka". C2 is the best constellation in terms of price-quality ratio: it can be re-put with it Nephritic screen Immediately after the ult. This will allow literally in 3-4 seconds to inflict a lot of damage to the combination "Eshka" + Ult + "Eshka". And the screen, reinforced by C4, will add to your resistance to elemental damage if you are standing near it.
C6 will enhance the damage to Nin Guan, giving 7 stones at once Star jade After using the ultra. This constellation is useful for both the main Damager and the “pocket” Nin Guang – the main thing is not to forget to make a charged attack immediately after the activation of the ultimate.
- Piercing fragments. If a conventional attack gets, it causes damage in the area.
- Shock effect. Destruction Jade screen dumps her rollback time. May occur once in 6 seconds.
- Majestic scattering of stars. Increases the level of skill Shards of stars At 3. Max. Ur.: 15.
- The exquisite brilliance of nephritis. Skill Jade screen increases the elemental resistance of the surrounding characters by 10%.
- Immortal jade screen. Increases the level of skill jade screen by 3. Max. Ur.: 15.
- The grandeur of cisin. Activation of the skill Shards of stars gives Nin Guang 7 stones Star jade.
How to play for Nin Guang
Each time, getting on the enemy by the usual attack, Ning Guan receives a charge Star jade. Then, using a charged attack, Nin Guan launches all a stellar jade into enemies in the form of homing shells. And the most important thing: after receiving the first passive, a charged attack Nin Guang does not consume endurance if the heroine has a star jade jade.
Thus, the rotation of the main attacks is quite simple: we make one or two ordinary attacks in order to dial a star jade, and then charged-it inflicts many times more damage and does not spend endurance.
At the same time, Nin Guan has quite long animations of the main attacks, so it is better to interrupt them to increase damage per second. This is the easiest way to do this: while you are auto -apparatus, do not let go of the move button and constantly click on the main attack. So Nin Guan will take a small step forward between each ordinary attack, and just these steps break off a long animation. The speed of attack due to this technique will increase from 1 to 1.3 shots per second, increasing your total outgoing damage.
Second ability Nin Guan, Jade screen , It is a geo structure. When it appears on the field, it causes damage and blocks enemy shells. You can’t climb it, but it can resonate with the columns Zhong Lee to apply passive damage to enemies around. When using ulta, the screen is destroyed, launching an additional four gems into opponents, so it makes sense to ensure that at the time of use of the ulta, the screen stands on the field. The second passive Nin Guan will give you +12% of geo damage when passing through Nephritic screen – The effect lasts 10 sec., So just try to go through the screen every time you cast it. And if you already have C2, then, as mentioned above, the screen will greatly increase the damage of the ultra, if you use the combination "Eshka" + Ulta + "Eshka".
Ulan Nin Guang herself can make a ton of damage in a short time: it is very cheap (only 40 units of energy), and her reload is quite short – 12 seconds.
All this does Nin Guan impressively effective both as the main Damager, and as a participant in the “revolver” team, where the heroes constantly switch one after another, using their “Eshki” and ultras. Before using the ulters, make sure that you have collected all possible buffs for its maximum effect (set the screen and passed through it).
Be sure to take another geo character for geo -resonance to the team with Nin Guan. This will increase the strength of the shield and damage to the characters under the influence of the shield, and also significantly reduce the resistance of enemies to geo drop. The last effect is very valuable, because the geo -resistance of enemies in the game decreases the most difficult. This will also increase the damage of the second geo character – for example, Jong Lee, who is one of the best support for Nin Guan.
The best weapon for Nin Guan
Five -star catalysts
The memory of dust – Almost the perfect catalyst for Nin Guan: he has a high basic attack plus a huge bonus to the power of attack. The passive is also pleasing: it will increase the strength of the shield and give the summarizing bonus to the power of attack, which doubles if you are under the influence of the shield. Accordingly, this book reaches the maximum efficiency if Nin Guan is constantly under the shield, so it is desirable to have a shy in the team – either try to constantly select crystals from the floor, which Ning Guan knocks out of the enemies with his ge's attacks. But due to the fact that the weapons do not give Crete, they will have to be collected entirely from artifacts.
Heavenly Atlas – A very powerful book with the largest basic attack and a good bonus to the power of attack. The passive will increase the elemental damage to Nin Guang by 12-24% and if conventional attacks gets a chance to create a “blessing of clouds”: it attacks the nearest enemies within 15 seconds. Every half -minute. But, as in the case of a last catalyst, you will need to collect all the crites from artifacts.
Prayer to the holy winds – The most curious of the three presented "golden" books. With a good basic attack, she also gives a lot of Crete's chance. The passive will increase the speed of movement by 10% and will give a buff for 4 times the Buff for elemental damage, which occurs every 4 seconds. Great option for Nin Guang as the main damager.
Four -star catalysts
Solar pearl – Wonderful catalyst from combat pass. A worthy basic attack and a pleasant bonus to Crete. Chance, and the passive is very well suitable for the style of the game Nin Guan: “Eshka” and Ult Buffaty the damage of the main attacks – and vice versa.
Chernogorsky agate – Weapons from the Paymon store with a big bonus Crete. damage; Passive Buffnet Power of the attack 30 seconds after winning the enemy. This effect is summarized up to three times, and the duration of additional effects does not depend on each other. But the passive will show itself perfectly only in battles with crowds of small enemies, but against the bosses it will be useless.
Song of a wanderer – An alternative to the Montenegrin Agatha (they have absolutely the same characteristics), but also with one “but”. Among the three strengthening (the power of attack, elemental damage and the skill of the elements), which is provided by the passive, the skill of the elements for Nin Guan is absolutely useless. So if there are other candidates for this catalyst (for example, Kli or Yan Fei) – give them, and for Nin Guan find another. If there is no choice, then the wanderer's song is still a good option.
Eye of consciousness – Not the best catalyst, but with your highlight. He has a low basic attack, and the bonus for the force of attack makes all crites collect from artifacts. The plus is that the passive makes it possible to create a projectile, reflected from the enemy to the enemy and applying a good physical, when the main attacks. damage. True, its effectiveness greatly depends on the level of weapon awakening. But then ProKi physical. Damage from the passive is partly saved in situations where Nin Guan cannot cause damage to enemies with immunity to geo.
Dodoko stories – Free event catalyst, which could be obtained in patch 1.6. It will only be suitable for Nin Guang as the main Damager, if she spends a lot of time on the battlefield, constantly using the main attacks. Thanks to the license, ordinary attacks increase the damage of charged attacks, and charged attacks are the power of attack as a whole. Perfectly suitable for the mechanics of the game for Nin Guan. Cons – a low basic attack and the lack of a bonus to Crete.
The fruit of eternal permafrost – craft catalyst, plus which only in the fact that it can be created for free. He will add the forces of the attack and give a chance to call an ice crystal over the enemy once every 10 seconds, which will apply up to 140% of the damage (and if there is already a cryo status for the goal, then up to 360% of damage). Use only if there are no better options at all.
The best artifacts for Nin Guan
Classical assembly of artifacts for Nin Guang as the main damage – 2 pieces of set Archaic stone (+ 15% of gears) and 2 pieces from sets The end of the gladiator or Memories of Simenava (+18% of the attack).
The next option is better suitable for Nin Guan in the "revolver" group: two pieces The ceremony of the ancient nobility and two – Archaic stone give +15% of geo damage and +20% damage from ult.
For support, Nin Guan can take four pieces Archaic stone. In addition to the bonus to geo damage, the set will also give +35% of the damage for 10 seconds to the element, the crystal of which you picked up. At the same time you can have a bonus of only one element.
If you plan to use Nin Guan as a car -room, as well as if you use The memory of dust (in order to summarize the bonuses to the strength of the shield), you can consider a set of four pieces Counter comet. He will give Nin Guan Bonus to the strength of the shield and increase the strength of ordinary and charged attacks by 40%. But you have to spend more time on the battlefield to bonus Counter comet Passed off.
In any case, always remember that the secondary stats of the artifacts themselves are more important than bonuses from sets. It is better to collect the best artifacts from less useful sets than the optimal set, but with weak artifacts.
- Watch on % attack.
- Cup on % geo damage.
- Cap With Crete. Crete's damage or chance. It is advisable to maintain the balance of Crete. Chance and Crete. damage 1: 2, that is, at 50% of Crete, we need to collect 100% Crete. damage.
The best additional characteristics are in priority:
- Crete. Damage / Crete's chance;
- % attack.
The best partners for Nin Guan
Nin Guang is quite universal and does not depend much on the support heroes, so there can be a lot of command options with her. However, it is extremely desirable to have another geo in the group to get a buff from geo resonance. In principle, anyone is suitable, because each geo hero has its own advantages (even a geo traveler can be used). Plus, at least three more new geo characters will come out soon: Gorodi, Arastia ITTO and Yun Jin.
Zhong Lee . One of the best geo -heroes paired with Nin Guan. In addition to his Mega-School, who cuts all the resistance, he gives Nin Guang a column, which resonates with her screen and inflicts good passive damage to the surrounding enemies. Together they will quickly charge the ulters and increase the total damage of each other due to the geo resonance.
Bennett . Nin Guang is great, because she can attack opponents from a distance without leaving the Bennet ultrasound zone. Give him another hero of the hero, and you will also receive a pies to increase the force of attacks of the entire group.
Xiang Lin. Heroes with Ulta, which remains on the battlefield, have always been valued in any group. Here, the resonance is still possible, and the rotating Ula Xiang Lin will block the lack of damage over the area and will prevent the frozen opponents from linen to Nin Guan.
Fishl. Another “pocket” support, whose task is to put a raven of the OZA and go into the “pocket”. Partly generation and even more damage in one target – these are two pluses of the fishle in the group with Nin Guan.
Sin Tsu. Great support for most Damagers using the main attacks. Ulta Sin Tsu will launch water blades into the enemy, incredibly increasing damage into one target. Having combined it with a pies or an electrics -pocket support hero, you will receive constant reactions of a charge and steam. If you combine it with cryo support, you can create all the conditions for the reaction Split : frozen opponents, receiving geo damage, split and receive additional physical damage.
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